Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama vs. McCain

These are the sectors I think will be most affected by the next election:

If Obama wins, infrastructure/construction stocks will do well. Alternative energy investments will also be winners. And the technology sector as Obama is a proponent of universal internet access. Smaller telecoms could also do better as the FCC will want more regulations for big phone companies. Retailers with lower income customers will conceivably do better under Obama. An Obama presidency could also potentially be good for biotechnology companies that research stem cells.

If McCain wins, it will be better for the health sector, especially big insurers whose margins will be squeezed by universal health care that Obama favors. Oil and gas companies would be better under a McCain presidency. Especially nuclear energy as McCain believes nuclear is the solution for the energy crisis. Upscale retailers will do better with lower taxes on upper income brackets. Large telecom stocks are also considered to do better under McCain with an FCC that be more accepting to acquisitions. A McCain presidency could also be better for financials because he generally favors less regulation and would avoid new strict rules. Also, the McCain presidency would benefit defense companies since Obama could cut the defense budget down the road with a withdrawal from Iraq.

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